Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Special Edition Entry.

This is special edition entry. Why? Because this is the last entry that we need to write and because of the top ten questions that we need to answers:

1) What do you like about blogging?
I love blogging a lot! Because it is where you can freely pen down you reflection, thoughts, ideas & emotions…It is nice to share information with others. Besides, it also can be a good platform of learning whereby we can read each others blog, comments on it and it can be a good discussion.

2. What have you gained from blogging? How?
A lot….For example, through reflection, it really help me to reflect on my own learning, on what I have learn, how I feel about it and what are the additional info that I got from other source which have enhance my understanding for that particular topic.

3. What have you gained from blogging eg? Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.
I think blogging do helps me in my language, critical thinking, technology skills etc.
4. How?
It is because I have the tendency to check on my work after I blog, to self-correct. It also does promote critical thinking when we need to think critically what we going to post in the blog. And yes, technology skills too where I learn how to set up a blog and how to decorate it.

5. What do you like about this course?
I love to learn lots of new things in this course.

6. What you do not like about this course?
Perhaps I must say it's the workload -the tutorials that we have to do. It's quite a burden as we have assignments for other courses too! Yeah, I do agree that all those tutorials are important, but I just hope that it can be reduced.

7. What have you learnt from this course?
I have learnt lots of new things in this course, especially regarding the technology such how to edit picture and how to edit audio. Besides, it also encourages me to explore softwares and also to explore things on the net.

8. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?
Still, it would be those technology stuff, audio and video editing. This is because when I first heard of this class I thought it would be on flash cards, language games, puppets that sort of things.

9. What have u expected but do not learn from this course?
I expect that we will give more guidance on how to use certain software. But, instead of that I need to explore it by myself, more towards independent learning. However, I do wish some demonstration since it made me quite confused just to see tutorial on the computer, for example.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?
I think it would be the assignments. If I could, the Portfolio assignment would be changed to group work instead of individual ones. It’s a lot…
11. On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.
Before: 5. Now: 8!

-I have fall in love in blogging…There are lots of things that we can share with others…Sharing is caring! I will have my own personal blog very soon…Don’t forget to visit and follow my blog ya=)
Lastly, million thanks to the lecturer and my fellow course mates, I really have learnt a lot!


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